The Intersteller Protectorate

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The Intersteller Protectorate

Post by Zor »

History of the Interstellar Protectorate

The Visione

The origins of the Interstellar Protectorate are very much divorced from what was to eventually emerge. The colonists who would come to colonize Speranza were commercially motivated, organized by an Italian based organization known as the Vision Co-operative which sought recruits from across the world (although about 8,000 of those willing to cash their lots with them were Italian citizens) in the late fifth and early sixth centuries. Entrance requirements were minimal beyond payment for their sheet and age and health requirements with discounts for people with certain skills such as doctors. The ship (designated the Visione) was completed in 523 and launched on its 221 light year journey with some 34,000 settlers, arriving in orbit of their new planet in 1262

Early Colonization of Speranza

Located in orbit around the primary sun of a binary star system, Speranza was a pleasant enough planet. While somewhat colder than Terra with an average temperature of 10 degrees and having a 123.4 hour long day, the planet had a breathable atmosphere, 65% ocean coverage and two moons prime for development. The local land based flora and fauna was primitive and proved to be no major obstacle to development. The first settlement on Speranza was named Visionium, which would become the planetary capital. Planetary development proceeded more or less smoothly in the first century, despite having somewhat marginal industrial capacities and a Senatorial democratic system emerged and for the first century and a half, things proceeded quite well. By 1400, the population had grown to 500,000. Never the less, issues would arise due to decisions made early on.

The Agricultural Crisis

However, a detail of colonial development led to issues. What industrial equipment they had was set up into factories with specific jobs (ore processing, computer production, machine tool production) by the Government that were eventually turned to private ownership between 1277 and 1280, with the factory’s employees each holding shares in their factories. While many colonial powers did similar affairs, in the case of Speranza it is believed that the establishment of a private industrial sector happened too soon. Joint ownership would not last long, as several notable figures encouraged stock sales and eventually restructuring in exchange for higher wages over the next eighty years. Manufacturing became monopolized under a few powerful companies whose leaders tended to become the leading political figures. Labor Unions prevented abuses of power from being too destructive for several decades, but they would eventually be cowed into submission.

Agriculture was a different matter all-together. While the area Visionium was established (a tropical valley near a major lake) was fertile, it was not particularly well suited to highly mechanized cultivation due to its hilly nature. For the first century and a half, food was supplied by a large number of small family farms, each less than half a square kilometer in area. In 1423, Speranza Motors (the planet’s vehicle manufacturing concern) with government assistance established an agricultural settlement known as Raccolta on a stretch of Savannah some 1500 kilometers from the capital. The entire town was corporate owned baring a few government offices and services, which was deemed as being perfectly legal since there were a few mining towns in the mountains that surrounded Visionium which were owned by Speranza Mining and Metallurgy. The town eventually achieved a population of some 15,000 people with some 10,000 farmers working a vast stretch of farmland around it. All of this was owned by Speranza Motors due to land settlement claims.

What this vast corporate farm was able to do after five years was to produce more than sufficient basic foodstuffs (grain, potatoes, maize, meat and milk) for the needs of the human presence and through several shops and bulk economics, ensured that they could undersell all competition and establish a monopoly on foodstuffs. Most of the Farms in the home valley either turned to specialist markets or went bankrupt. This created some 35,000 new unemployed between 1430 and 1440, which had an adverse effect on manufacturing of consumer goods and led to a downward tread and increasing tax burden due to welfare requirements. This also put Speranza Motors in a posisition of near absolute power over the food supply while the political classes remained dominated by the corporations.

This led to social unrest and resentment against Speranza Motors or the corporations in general. There were many demonstrations and some terrorist activity among the more radical opposition, most notably a car bombing incident in 1446 which led to the imposition of martial law. Five groups of settlers decided to strike out and establish independent communities based around their specific ideologies. Dissidents were sent to mining penal camps, which only further inflamed the scenario. The assassination of several economic reform minded individuals in early 1448 led to an out and out civil war between corporate and anti-corperate forces. The war was fought by police officers and militia with few weapons more advanced than low end assault rifles, mortars and technicals. The civil war cost the lives of some 15,000 people over a period of eleven months before eventually Visionium was taken by the Rebels after the corperates had evacuated most of their loyalists and a substantial amount of industrial equipment to Raccolta. Eventually a deal was met and a new government was formed in Visionium known as the Second Speranza Republic. Despite this, much industry had been lost and the planet was now divided

The Age of Conflict

After the civil war, a period of peace began that lasted for the next fifty four years, but in that time grudges festered. The Republic of Raccolta degraded into oligarchy and crafted an ideology based around how they were the legitimate government overturned by radical rebels while the Second Republic claimed that the civil war was a justifiable retaliation against tyrants. The refugee states claimed that both sides had lost the true path in various ways and generally did not get along with each other. The first armed conflict was between Raccolta and the Second Republic, going on from 1503 to 1508. The next two centuries would be notably dominated by various small scale wars. Point defense clusters prevented easy nuclear destruction for the first century and bioweapons were never perused and a set of semi-formalized warfare emerged based around blockades and treaties. The first century was fought with tanks, infantry, close attack aircraft and warships.

Space development happened in earnest after 1575, first with lunar outposts on Speranza’s three moons and starting around 1625 around the outer planets of the Primary Star. As this happened, space militarization began. By 1650 the total system wide population was slightly less than thirty million but a space race was pursued none the less. In an effort to lay claim to the four planets of the Secondary Star of Speranza system (named Marconi), in the 1660s and 1670s colonization missions were sent out to establish military bases. Starting around 1630, space navies began to emerge to defend shipping and colonies and by 1675, warfare had largely moved offworld and was fought primarily in space with the objective of denying space to other nations. Three nations were eventually confined to Speranza, but the others continued to set up colonies and bases, including Terraforming stations on three planets (one of which orbiting Marconi).

The Great Mutiny

The constant national conflicts in the Speranza system had an effect on some of the soldiers. A small number became dissatisfied with the constant warfare which generally had at most temporary gains. At the same time, they took note of the denigrations of the nations on Speranza. Raccolta eventually became an outright plutocracy in the early 17th century; the Second Republic’s political parties eventually made connections with organized crime and internal civil conflicts leading to the Balkanization of three of the refugee states, undermining the loyalty of many older and more influential veterans and officers. These issues were kept in line through general military discipline and a loyal majority, but it would be the kindling to a coming fire.

In 1712, an economic downturn happened, about two months after the conclusion of a war. During which to save money, the Second Republic’s government re-diverted ships from supplying Port Paoletti to civilian purposes. Port Paoletti was a major naval facility that held nearly half the Second Republic’s fleet. Shipments of spare parts, luxury items and medical supplies were postponed, as was the transportation of some 1,500 wounded spacers to Speranza, which dropped the moral of those stationed there. This issue was compounded after a bomb was detonated by a spy, killing nearly a hundred spacers and wounding three hundred sixty more as well as destroying most of the base’s hydroponics facilities and food stores. This left the base with only two months worth of food under tight rationing, pleas among the general staff for shipments for additional food and to remove some of the station’s garrison was met with orders to tighten up security and activity and that arrangements were being made. In fact they were, but it took time and rescheduling.

Eventually Admiral Mario Linde, fearing his men starving to death due to beurocratic oversights ordered an out and out assault against the Union of Free Men’s colonies on Vincenzo (A moon fifth planet of the Speranza System) with nearly every ship he had. His armada poured against the meager defenses, acting without order and threatened the settlements with orbital destruction unless they immediately surrendered, accepted an occupation force and provided whatever supplies they required. As this was in direct violation of several treaties, the Second Republic mobilized the rest of its fleet to subdue the rebels. The Republic of Raccolta jumped on this opportunity and proceeded to declare war on the Second Republic to destroy its remaining navy. Likewise the Holy Alliance (a Catholic fundamentalist refugee state) declared war on the Union of Free Men to take advantage on the conflict that arose. Both Raccolta and the Holy Alliance made a note to send supplies to the Port Paoletti.

As this happened, the Garrison at Port Paoletti found themselves alone and abandoned by their nation. However, Admiral Linde proved to be a competent demagogue and managed to keep the loyalty of his men by instructing them on a militaristic philosophy. He claimed that gangsters more concerned with profits had abandoned them to starve. In response, he ordered his Armada seize control of several UFM and Second Republic bases to built up their industrial bases. Equipment received from the Holy Alliance and Raccolta allowed them to re-enforce their fleet. Several family connections led a number of Second Republic ships defect to the Paoletti fleet. As the other nations fought amongst themselves, Admiral Linde oversaw the conquest of four moons and numerous asteroid bases along with some 7 million people. The second republic and UFM eventually responded with escalation, launching land invasions of Raccoltan and Holy Alliance Territories and a few nuclear and kinetic strikes to force their rivals to the negotiating table.

Rise of the Protectorate

For the established Speranza nations, this war proved to be disastrous. In the end some Twenty one million people (out of a system wide population of approximately 120 million) were killed and six major cities were destroyed, with others left with severely damaged infrastructure. Some five million more became refugees. The Second Republic and the Union of Free Men had their space navies completely destroyed or rebelled, with the exception of the Second Republic’s Marconi Fleet, as well as all their colonies not in the Marconi System. Raccolta and the Holy Alliance suffered considerable losses in ships, manpower and Industrial facilities. It also brought about an increased economic depression and social disorder. While not complete, the war had set Speranza on a downward spiral economically, the standard of living fell as specialists and factories were lost and several radical demagogues managed to organize various terrorist attacks while crime flourished. Off of Speranza things were in general better, if still diminished from their pre-war status.

The largest Space Navy that was in the Speranza system was that of Port Paoletti, which had accumulated a fair amount of equipment to maintain their fleet. Admiral Linde found himself in the position of Military Dictator. The most notable development was the creation of a civil service organized along military lines with a strict hierarchy of ranks and command structure and did make an effort to hunt down organized crime where ever he found it for propaganda purposes, as well as gradually turning colonies to his side. Thus was born the Paoletti Protectorate. Eventually in 1715, however pressures mounted and this new nation of his made its move with protectorate fleets seizing control of occupied Second Republic colonies, gaining an additional two million people that generally had some sympathetic sections of the Population among their ranks due to family ties, sympathies towards the abandonment, hatred for Raccoltan Rule and distaste for general corruption and the level in which organized crime had managed to worm its way into politics. It also saw several notable defeats of the Raccolta’s armada, reducing its fleet to six ships, five of which were stationed around Marconi. Eventually a peace treaty was signed.

The next six years for the Protectorate saw extensive military developments. As military structuring of civilian government and administration continued, industry was shifted to production of spacecraft. The leadership of the Protectorate came to believe that war was inevitable and come what may they desired to be in a good position for negotiation. Things might have ended peacefully; there was legitimate attempts to improve relations with the various other Speranza powers by the protectorate, but several Raccoltan nationalists managed to successfully assassinate Linde on Brahe 17th 1722. This allowed a series of Radicals to seize control of the Protectorate and engage in a series of purges, arresting 15,000 people for treason, a series of intense pro-protectorate propaganda campaigns and leading to a Protectorate attack against the Raccoltan settlements on Falco (the forth planet in the Speranza system and the second most populated) on Kepler 5th, 1723.

At the battle of Falco, the combined fleets of the nations of Speranza spared off against the Protectorate and while the allied fleet inflicting heavy losses on the Protectorate Armada; they were ultimately forced to retreat. However, before they vacaded fully they launched a barrage of nuclear missiles against the settlements on Falco, despite point defense fire from the Speranza fleet, significant orbital infrastructure was destroyed and some 4.5 million people were killed. The intent was to deny the Protectorate any more industrial equipment, but ultimately it backfired. Protectorate Propaganda monopolized on this turn of events and used it to win widespread support among its population to advocate the outright destruction of the Speranza based nations. In 1724 and early 1725 the Protectorate managed to seize the remaining colonies in the Speranza System. Without the fleet to defend their colonies, the Speranzan forces set themselves to evacuating whatever they could to Marconi. Speranza Itself was assaulted on Imotep-10th, 1725 under threat of nuclear bombardment. Several cities refused to surrender after various warnings and over the next month some 3 million Speranzans were killed by the Protectorate fleet in response. Kinetic and laser bombardment as well as to neutralize the considerable ground forces. Over the next ten years, the protectorate would execute some 300,000 people on Speranza and detained 2,500,000 more as dangerous radicals, guerillas and subversives. At this point the restructuring of society along military lines would continue, although Guerilla activity would be a major problem for decades to come.

After Speranza’s fall, Marconi was left as the only independent colonized region. Orbiting between 50 and 60 trillion kilometers from the primary star, a practical invasion of the Marconi system was unfeasible for the short range craft of the protectorate’s fleet while a fairly significant naval buildup had begun in Marconi for defensive purposes. At the same time, Marconi’s population was only three million against 90 million. Neither side could attack the other with any real chance of success. As such a peace treaty was eventually struck in 1730 after half a decade of non conflict through virtue of inaccessibility, a state that would last for nearly a century. Thus was born the Speranza Protectorate.

The Birth of Martialocratism

After this treaty was signed, a civilian government was created by the protectorate’s leaders. While Linde had very little concern about politics, he did make several comments decrying the weaknesses of the Democratic system (especially in relation to developments in the Speranza system) and in any case, the established leaders desired to keep their positions of power. The result was, after much debate among the Protectorate’s powers that be the creation of the Governing Corps. The Governing Corps was an administrative hierarchy based along a military command structure, with positions ranging from low end clerks to the National High Command (national legislative body) headed by the Admiral of the Nation. The original governing corps was a miss-mash of civil servants, local administrators, military governors and the established leaders, although within 20 years the system had stabilized as a new generation of people joined the Governing Corps and ascended through the ranks. The activates of the Governing Corps were regulated by a constitution. This system (known as Martialocracy) functioned well enough for administrative purposes to endure to this day.

This way of thinking was supported by the propaganda corps, the education system and various officials. The end result was that over the next fifty years a political ideology emerged based around this way of thinking. It also began to seep into various civilian lines of thought of business organization; it became fashionable for companies to adopt military lines of thought and codes of personal conduct including uniforms and so forth. While there was some dissent, there was appreciation for stabilization and a rising standard of living brought about between 1730 and 1750 and eventually people became well adjusted to this state of affairs.
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Re: The Intersteller Protectorate

Post by Zor »


(Terran Sphere) Intersteller Protectorate Naval Uniform (officers). While military inspired fasion is common across the protectorate and the Governing Corps is notable for having fairly elaborate uniforms, the Protectorate's Military has a fairly straightforward design. The Protectorate's symbol is a square tower sheild with a spear, representing the ancient military practice of the shield wall, which symbolises the nessesity of co-operation, order and discipline in overcomming threats.
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Re: The Intersteller Protectorate

Post by Zor »

History of the Intersteller Protectorate (Continued)

Cold Peace

In orbit of Marconi, the refugee population turned towards despotism itself. This shift happened gradually and without formal abandonment or rejection of democracy. A government known as the Marconi alliance was formed and the powers that be held onto control through fear of a Protectorate Invasion and their propaganda corps. The most notable change was an emphasis on population expansion, various programs from exowomb based cloning to programs designed to make motherhood as attractive as possible were instituted. By 1750, the average family size had reached eight children. At the same time a significant military development program was employed. This rapid growth and military buildup caused various issues due to resource strain, from housing to food production. Decent and criticism of the government’s actions were dealt with brutally. In the end, the main holders of power were several dynasties of oligarchs which held onto power using sham elections, control of information, nationalism and force. While the population bloomed to 40 million by 1800, it still lagged behind the protectorate in many respects.

Meanwhile, the protectorate maintained a respectable Navy, as well as built a fleet of ships capable of making the long voyage between Speranza Prime and Marconi but the leadership made little attempts towards further war. While they sought to bring about militaristic lines of thought into the civilian sphere, they did not seek to lower the standards of living for reasons of public support and could not rely on the same degree of nationalistic sentiment from their conquered subjects. Population growth occurred at a stable steady pace, recovering to pre-protectorate levels by 1750 and reaching 250 million by 1800. The protectorate invested into various civic defense programs including emergency bunker networks, decentralized power grids and cashes and reserves of equipment. However, the most notable procurements was that of the Testudo Defense Fleet.

Despite the obvious tensions diplomatic channels were opened by various politicians attempting to improve relations and relax tensions. These activities had some success, some minor trade happened between 1780 and 1815. Despite this, there were sections on both sides which desired a war to see the other side conquered or destroyed. A General warming period happened in the last quarter of the 19th century, which many analysts believed to be the sign of a cooling of old tensions. But this ended on Galileo 12th, 1811 with the assassination of the Protectorate’s Ambassador to the Alliance by a radical group named the Children of Freedom which simply went from bad to worse.

The Final Speranzan War

As these tensions grew, a larger number or radicals began to rise through the ranks of the leadership among the two powers, but to a greater degree among the high command of Alliance due to the siege mentality which had became a defining trait of their culture. Among these was President Giovanna Scarano, who was notable for her desire to end the conflict swiftly. In secret she organized a series of plans and in 1823 launched her attack. Over the past 90 years the Alliance had accumulated a large number of high speed kinetic impactors and it was thought that a surprise launch would be enough to destroy the Protectorate. As such, on Mendel 22nd, the first salvo was launched of the Final Speranzan War, as Five hundred sixty four fusion drive propelled asteroids were launched towards the worlds of Speranza and the people of the Alliance were told that a protectorate attack had happened, evacuating the populations of cities to deep bunkers or into the relative safety of space.

The Protectorate saw the incoming missile impactors flying towards the worlds of Speranza and set about their defenses. Their fleet was scrambled to intercept what was possible, civil defenses were enacted and the Testudo Network was launched, deploying dozens of specially created devices composed of a 5 kilometer wide disc of ice extracted from captured comets sandwiched between two layers of alloy and ceramics with series of heating devices. Said devices fired off, sending out a wide and flat disc of steam expanding outward that when combined, created a barrier tens of thousands of kilometers across. While thin, any object that attempted to pass through this field of steam at high velocities (such as the impactors) would be destroyed. At the same time a salvo of four impacters were launched towards Marconi. Over the next few days, both sides did their best to intercept the incoming wave of kinetic energy ships using counter missiles and preparing to destroy each others fleet to make. Both navies managed to destroy the enemy impactor salvos en route multiple AU away, although the Testudo allowed the Protectorate to face less damage from debris (500,000 to 1.5 million dead due to planetary impacts).

Ten days latter both powers launched secondary salvos while squadrons of warships were en route out to take out defenders and to defend screening squadrons. A series of small scale battles happened involving squadrons of warships. In this conflict, however the Protectorate had the advantage of a larger Navy. Despite some victories by the alliance, most notably scored by Rear Admiral Jon Cornillac the Protectorate was able to maintain a defensive network and cut major holes into the Alliance’s defensive perimeters. In this salvo, three impactors managed to strike their targets intact. One managed to hit Falco at 0.15c, killing 30 million people and causing major disruptions to terraforming efforts, but two managed to strike the two most populated worlds of the Alliance, whipping out 52 million, about one half of their population. After that, the alliance fired off a third salvo of it’s remaining impactors, one of which was destroyed at a distance that it’s debris caused 25 million death and severe ecological disruption to Speranza, but this pass was not enough. The Protectorate Navy assembled and pushed into the Marconi system, despite the remainder of the alliance navy fighting with everything they had to hold them back they were unable to do so. In mid 1824, troopships arrived and with that, the Protectorate managed to achieve dominance.

Unification and Recovery

The next 50 years were marked by gradual recovery as environmental cleanup programs and industrial recovery happened. The first ten years of occupation of former alliance territory was notable for a high level of insurgency, with over 350,000 protectorate soldiers killed. However, this was not enough to dissuade the Protectorate’s population from seeing the subjugation of the Alliance as necessary cost for peace and security and eventually violence and terrorism was slowly calmed down. At home, the population set to recovery, cleaning up environmental damage and rebuilding what was lost. Starting 20 years after the war, National High Commands became more economically and culturally minded.

From 1880 to 2100, the Protectorate entered a golden age. Social issues became minimized and people became content with the status quo. A few minor pro-democracy movements started but had the only notable sucsess of establishing elected municipal councils in conjunction to the Governing Corps between 1950 and 2000. Some military forces were recruited to deal with the occasional insurgency in the Marconi System. By 2050 the population of the Protectorate had reached two billion. Some experimentation with hyperspace technology were perused, but ultimately it took a acquisition of a refugee fleet in 2072, thirty one years of research and development for the Protectorate was able to launch it’s first hyperspace capable spacecraft and eight additional years of refinement and build up before the protectorate was able to truly enter the interstellar age.

The Five Stars plan

In the early 22nd century there was much debate among the governing corps on what course the protectorate should take. Where as the Novan Empire dived headlong into military expansion, there was descent among the Protectorate’s governing corps on the matter. Most of the nearby inhabited star systems were less developed. A faction of the protectorate’s government most famously led by the charismatic Governor-Admiral Luigi Dorsch was firmly against expansionism and held considerable influence. His faction above all else feared being dragged into a cycle of constant warfare and that peaceful co-existence with neighboring star systems would keep the protectorate from raising the ire of the larger established powers towards the core. Others were in favor of a land grab to seize as much power as possible to secure the future of the protectorate.

Eventually, the debate ended after reports of the rise of several major pirate clans which managed to seize control of second expansion sphere planets reached the protectorate. This allowed for the National High Command to vote in favor of a limited expansion policy known as the Five Stars plan in 2123. The aim was simple, gain control of the nearest four inhabited stars systems to serve as a buffer zone and to bolster the military/industrial complex of the Protectorate. On Copernicus 4th, 2126, a fleet of 300 troop ships under escort of 800 warships was launched to New Idaho. Some resistance was provided by a small fleet of STL warships assembled by the local authorities, but these craft could not fend off the Protectorate’s armada. The planet was quickly annexed; its local government integrated with the Governing Corps (under supervision of more senior administrators) and the Speranza Protectorate was renamed the Interstellar Protectorate. The next three systems fell with no space based resistance over the next 2 years. After this was done, the Protectorate set itself into a series of industrial development plans to achieve a navy 10,000 hyperspace capable warships in strength by 2140. However, between 2128 and 2160, the Interstellar Protectorate enjoyed an era of peace. Diplomatic teams made contact with other states, the treaty of Sol was signed in 2142 and in general the protectorate established good diplomatic relations with the surrounding powers, despite their being some resentment involving the staunchly pro-democracy Commonwealth and the Union of Free Socialist Worlds which looked down upon the Five Star’s plan as an Imperialist Measure.

The Novan Threat

Expansionism started again in 2160 after the governing Corps received a set of military reports involving the Novan Empire. There were hopes among the ranks of the Governing Corps spurred by an increase of commercial activity between the Core and the second expansion sphere and that for sake of its diplomatic position the Novan Empire’s expansionistic aims would subside, this was not the case. Driven by desires of Nobles, Populists, the monarch, desires for socio-economic dominance and a general belief in the superiority of Novan Culture, conquest fleets were being constantly launched against other systems. The Report said simply that at their current rate of military expansion, the Empire could would likely over-run the Protectorate sometime in the mid 23rd century. This led too much debate among the National High Command before the report was eventually leaked to the Speranza press on Mendel 15th. With this, public concern turned towards advocating expansion. This led to the Fifteen Stars Plan, seeking to add ten additional systems to the ranks of the protectorate and achieve a navy to 20,000 warships. The first conquest fleet was mustered and launched in 2163, seizing the Republic of Orissa. Four more systems were conquered by 2174, in which the protectorate went to war with an ad hoc alliance of four star systems known as the Treaty of Kharatyansgrad Organization (TKO). The resulting war lasted for three years, largely due to the TKO launching a well organized campaign of commercial harassment against protectorate, but ultimately this was not enough to prevent their conquest by Protectorate Forces. This caused a few systems to turn to the CDW or the UFSW and built up resentment between these two powers and the Protectorate, despite having hammered out military alliances for reasons of self preservation.
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Re: The Intersteller Protectorate

Post by Zor »

The Interstellar Protectorate

Territory-Twenty three heavily populated systems (31 heavily populated worlds) with a roughly (and somewhat concave) hemispherical main body along the Alphaward Counterturnwise boarder of the Novan Empire and frontier territory moving towards the Frontier. The Interstellar Protectorate also shares boarders with the Commonwealth of Democratic Worlds and the Union of Free Socialist Worlds.

Throneworld- Speranza, Speranza System. Capital City of Neo-Visionium.

Government-Constitutional Martialocracy. Martialocracy is a bureaucratic system of government based along military lines of organization. The main Governing body of the Interstellar Protectorate is that of the Protectorate Governing Corps, induction into the Governing Corps begins with training of prospective government cadets at specialized Governing Corps academies (entrance requires a high grade point average) which has a curriculum based around political history, social studies, economics, administrative theory and systems (both contemporary and historical) and similar, as well as interaction with graduates. Those that graduate are given the rank of Aprentice Secretary and then ascend through the ranks based on a formalized set of promotion through various ranks based nominally on performance (other factors such as social skills and luck do play their role in this as well). Local Government is handled by four tiers of Command Council (Municipal, Provincial, Planetary and System), councils of department heads led by commanding officers. The main ruling body of the Government is the National High Command, led by the Admiral of the Nation. In addition, at the municipal level in more stable areas some functions of government are handled by local democratically elected councils led by Civilian Mayors.

Population-61.58 Billion Terran Baseline/Near Baselines, 5.71 Genmods, 1.04 Billion Sapient AIs, 620 million sapient extraterrestrials.

Military-Protectorate Military Forces: Divided into three branches of Service…
-Protectorate Star Navy: Responsible for all Star Naval activity, including maintaining fortresses
-Protectorate Army: Primary Ground forces
-Civilian Defense Forces-Centrally organized part time reserve forces
Last edited by Zor on Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Intersteller Protectorate

Post by Destructionator »

Zor wrote:(Terran Sphere) Intersteller Protectorate Naval Uniform (officers).
Reminds me a bit of the Earth Federation from Gundam. Looks good!
His Certifiable Geniusness, Adam D. Ruppe (My 'verse)
Marle: Lucca! You're amazing!
Lucca: Ain't it the truth! ... Oh, um...I mean...
Marle: Enough with the false modesty! You have a real gift! I would trade my royal ancestry for your genius in a heartbeat!

"I still really hate those pompous assholes who quote themselves in their sigs." -- Me
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Re: The Intersteller Protectorate

Post by Zor »

protectorate_soldiers_by_imperator_zor-d39ycrg.jpg (155.79 KiB) Viewed 16249 times
(Terran Sphere) A couple of Interstellar Protectorate soldiers. One of whom is clad in Protectorate Lor-28 Power Armor the other being an officer in dress uniform. Protectorate Power armor offers somewhat better protection than its Novan counterparts and is stronger, but has 35% less battery life, less flexible, heavier and is somewhat more maintenance intensive. Its helmet has a retractable face covering. In case of emergency or damage to the camera, it can be pulled up so that soldier can observe the battlefeild with the Mark-1 Eyeball, though this can get stuck.
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Re: The Intersteller Protectorate

Post by Zor »

A low ranking member of the Interstellar Protectorate Governing Corps
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Re: The Intersteller Protectorate

Post by Zor »


Logo of the Interstellar Protectorate. A Roman Tower shield and Pilum. This represents several things, among them being martial strength, but also included is the need for discipline and order regardless what may come against them. It is also distinctly the weapon of a soldier, not of a fame seeking warrior. All act together and are, combined, unstoppable. Finally they represent the need for a command structure. It is flanked by two much more passive symbols, the Olive Branch and Wheat. The Olive Branch represents the need for peace and safety in society. The Wheat represents prosperity for all, the state exists to ensure that all will be fed and that the material needs of the population will be met.
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