The System of Government in the Xhatrr Dominion
The by-far biggest Xril state, the Xhatrr Dominion, which to this day stretches through wormhole gateways far beyond the Xholnra system, encompassing several dozens of settled worlds and moons in addition to a few hundred habitats, has ever since the abdication of Txaxil as anything else than a public figurehead, been governed in a somewhat peculiar but still rather understandable way.
Though the government type in question does have a name in the official language of the Xhatrr Dominion - that is, Thi'xkthirlx-lraxz - its most literal translation is not a good description of it. The best English-language description of it is probably "totalitarian technocracy", but even that one conjures up erroneous imagery of immensely bloated bureaucracies.
While there is a separation of powers in the Xhatrr Dominion ensued by its current constitution, the state's power extends far into the lives of the citizens beyond what in the 20th century has been witnessed in non-dictatorial countries. Most notably, every single aspect of the economy, any cultural development and most similar factors of society are carefully, centrally planned from the top of their respective fields.
Where the Xhatrr Dominion parts with most states ever to exist is... well, how a very high likelyhood that the people in power know what they are doing is ensured - or, at least, that is what is supposed to result. Whereas the typical government, be it elected or not, consults think tanks and independent experts, in the Xhatrr Dominion the think tanks are the lawmakers and the assembly.
The Xhatrr Dominion's equivalent of universities hold all the political power, with the most revered and respectable professors being the equivalent secretaries of their respective fields. For example, the task of changing society's overall "framework" is given to psychologists and sociologists, the ministry of culture is run exclusively by art historians, literary critics and their ilk, economists and ecologists are in charge of managing every single detail of the economy - and so on.
Given the need for different sciences to communicate with each other for the sake of gathering data, however, the experts are not that segregated into each other's particular departments of government. The equivalent of the parlament contains basically every single Xhatrr Dominion citizen with a degree the rough equivalent of a doctorate. For this reason, the recently erected New Palace of Stewardship on Xhatrr has its own space port and network of express courier boats operating throughout the Xhatrr Dominion with maximum priority to ensure the communication between the nation's ruling technocrats. It might also be worth mentioning here that most tenured Xril academics are linked by the Neurotelepathic Network to their fields of expertise's respective AIs at the institutes of higher learning. These AIs absorb the knowledge of many generations of scientists, which in turn are passed on to each acolyte of these learned machines.
It goes without saying that their research so important to the future well-being of the Xhatrr Dominion is highly dependant on contact with other societies, and as such the Xhatrr Dominion's respective embassies in nations like the Independent Society of Vrlurn (the second biggest political entity of Xril), the Veglyr Cosmic Fleet's huge protectorate, the Post-National Empire of Greater Avarnam and the other many Jardra states not to mention the Haenoki Clanfleets and even such isolationist countries as the Hruka Oligarchy and the Nerakk Enclave make an inordinate amount of intrusion into the statistics of their host countries - as well as frequent anthropological expeditions to study the societies in which they are stationed. Though this admittedly is meant to benefit mainly the people of the Xhatrr Dominion, it at least inexorably teaches the other Descendant species (and the Nerakk) much about what a people the Xril are. The other (and less technocratic) Xril states such as the Independent Society of Vrlurn, however, get more entertainment than education from this.