(Instead of putting this in different topics, I thought I'd just put them all in one. Oh well.)
The year is 2340, 240 years after the earth became inhabitable due to the stupidity of humans. With every year the number of Nuclear bombings, lakes polluted, and fights rose tremendously. It got to the point not long after that the humans used up every drop of rescources (even the "renewable" ones, for one cannot grow crops without water, and even saltwater seemed to be a commodity.) Instead of giving up and becoming exctinct, most of the human race went the only other place they could. Space. The only advancements in technology until the 22nd century were self-sufficent domes on the moons of several nearby planets as well as a few other things. Half of the population currently resides in transport ships in space or in the domes.
Violence seems to be at a minimum between humans, though there is the occasional squabble. The law enforcement in the domes and ships keep a close hand on the population. The jails are seldom completely filled, except for the one on the earths moon. The moon's jail is where the mass murderers, the rapists, and the other unrehabilitable ones are forced to reside.
Modesty is a dying art in these worlds, the lack of space leading to the lack of privacy, so loving couples have to either find/rent a secluded place for an extremely expensive price, or just say "Forget it" and do whatever they want wherever they want. Of course, extreme intimacy is still slightly illegal, but unfortunately security in most places can't do too terribly much about it. Some worlds will shoo you off their sphere for making out/being nude in the streets, yet for some reason it's still allowed in certain parks or forests.
Despite their new location in space, the humans still have a sense of democracy which hasn't changed much since the 21st century. The President is kept in a special ship separate from the main housing cruiser, yet always seems to be near in case of emergancies. Humans over the age of 18 can vote. Voting isn't mandatory, though is highly recommended.
There is an unofficial war going on with the humans against the Greys. The Greys had been haunting the earth for years, especially around area 51. Now that the humans are in space, they have been attacking more than before. All the humans know is that they are there, but they aren't exactly sure why, or for what reason they keep abducting random humans from some of the city ships and domes.
Even the limitless confines of space aren't enough to destroy the cliques that always exist with humans. There are still ones who were considered black, latin, french, etc. but now most of the stereotypes have disappeared. Accents are normal and aren't traced back to a specific town/state. There is a single language that the humans speak, and one that only politicians can understand. There is a rouge human walking around who knows both, but they are normally either spies and aprehended, or one of the politicians themselves.
The humans use asteriods near jupiter for supplies, either for energy or building ships. A couple domes are located inside the massive holes that they create from mining. Each city state uses an asteroid, and there are a few with such populated domes that there is no longer mining there. The material from the asteroids are converted into titanium, which is used to build the city ships and domes.
Many of the animals that had been on earth are kept in special domes far from where the other humans are. Jungles, deserts, most of the landscape the animals require are avalible for them. Most of the animals are more tamed than they had been, but can still turn on those responsible for their care. The fact that there was once a dragonlike creature in the domes greatly upset the Seriyu, though fortunately not enough to cause more than a small arguement.
The humans, as a whole, do not know much about the so-called aliens they've run into. In the larger cities the Seriyu and Pooka are used as guards, though not much about the actual species are known. The Seriyu speak in a different language than the humans, the Pooka, while able to understand them, dont really talk to them that often, and the Greys are trying to attack them.
One of the strangest things about humans, according to representatives from other Races, is their comprehension of Magic and it's relation to Technology. Most city ships are powered using what is called 'hi-tech' powers, when it is apparently just a lesser form of Magic. Scientists scoff at this idea, yet there is almost no other way that any of the races could have gone as far as they have without the use of magic. In fact, the human ships and colonies are the only places where technology is worshipped above it's higher form. The easiest way to understand this is to realize that from Magic, comes technology. Technology in itself is a lessor form of magic, and vice versa. The magic forces in itself are trapped in metal, and used to power life in the colonies while the truth of their sources lie hidden in the 'verse.
The year is 2340, 240 years after the earth became inhabitable due to the stupidity of humans. With every year the number of Nuclear bombings, lakes polluted, and fights rose tremendously. It got to the point not long after that the humans used up every drop of rescources (even the "renewable" ones, for one cannot grow crops without water, and even saltwater seemed to be a commodity.) Instead of giving up and becoming exctinct, most of the human race went the only other place they could. Space. The only advancements in technology until the 22nd century were self-sufficent domes on the moons of several nearby planets as well as a few other things. Half of the population currently resides in transport ships in space or in the domes.
Species list! (Compiled)
Species list! (Compiled)
Last edited by Selena on Sat May 24, 2008 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Home world: small planet outside of the human-known solar system. Planet about the size of mercury.
Language: Draconian.
Originally mistaken by the humans for dragons from the past, the Draconian are a rather calm race of reptile. In fact, the tales of the Dragon back on earth was actually a recollection of the time that there were actually a good number of the creatures on earth. Their home planet, given a name in Draconian that the humans can not possibly pronounce, is called the equivalent of the Seriyu Home world. The planet is relatively large and close to a star large enough to warm every reptile on the planet. Despite their location near this massive star, the Seriyu still require a heat source in almost every room to heat their 8-12 foot long bodies and wings twice their length.
The Seriyu Home world is run in a Monarchy, with the Emperor or Empress separated from the others by a wide array of jewels on their scales and forehead. Little violence is needed between the leaders and the civilians, though there is a number of thickly-scaled knights near every den. The other Seriyu spend most of their time working to mine a rare substance on their planet that makes it easier for them to fly and breathe fire, like most dragons in early time have been said to do.
The gravity on their planet is much less than on the city ships, allowing the dragons to fly without using up a massive amount of energy, be it physical or with the use of minerals. Its not to say that they cannot fly without the stone found beneath the planet, it just makes it easier for them. The substance is difficult to find, however, and is stored in a large metal equivalent for the human castle, held in secure domes until their world, or their leaders, need it.
Ever since the argument over the treatment of a few lizards in the human domes, the Seriyu and the Humans have not gotten along very well. Yes, there are guards from Seriyu helping to keep the peace on the domes and ships, but most of them go with some reluctance and high annoyance for their treatment.
The Pooka and Seriyu however, get along rather well. Though they cannot perfectly copy the shape of the Seriyu, they come close enough to occasionally be mistaken for a worker in the mines. Its due to their shape shifting abilities that the Seriyu tolerate and respect the Pooka.
There has been recent news of a special family of Seriyu who, through ties with other shape-changing races, have gained that ability themselves. These creatures are rare, and often considered to be social rejects. The sources given state that these creatures, when in their "Human-like" forms, look like post-adolescent males or females with scales thin enough to look like hair on their slim heads, and tiny scales over every outer inch of their bodies. The family is called the Ishu-Kaiden, supposedly due to the surnames of the initial shape changer to merge with the Seriyu.
Language: Draconian.
Originally mistaken by the humans for dragons from the past, the Draconian are a rather calm race of reptile. In fact, the tales of the Dragon back on earth was actually a recollection of the time that there were actually a good number of the creatures on earth. Their home planet, given a name in Draconian that the humans can not possibly pronounce, is called the equivalent of the Seriyu Home world. The planet is relatively large and close to a star large enough to warm every reptile on the planet. Despite their location near this massive star, the Seriyu still require a heat source in almost every room to heat their 8-12 foot long bodies and wings twice their length.
The Seriyu Home world is run in a Monarchy, with the Emperor or Empress separated from the others by a wide array of jewels on their scales and forehead. Little violence is needed between the leaders and the civilians, though there is a number of thickly-scaled knights near every den. The other Seriyu spend most of their time working to mine a rare substance on their planet that makes it easier for them to fly and breathe fire, like most dragons in early time have been said to do.
The gravity on their planet is much less than on the city ships, allowing the dragons to fly without using up a massive amount of energy, be it physical or with the use of minerals. Its not to say that they cannot fly without the stone found beneath the planet, it just makes it easier for them. The substance is difficult to find, however, and is stored in a large metal equivalent for the human castle, held in secure domes until their world, or their leaders, need it.
Ever since the argument over the treatment of a few lizards in the human domes, the Seriyu and the Humans have not gotten along very well. Yes, there are guards from Seriyu helping to keep the peace on the domes and ships, but most of them go with some reluctance and high annoyance for their treatment.
The Pooka and Seriyu however, get along rather well. Though they cannot perfectly copy the shape of the Seriyu, they come close enough to occasionally be mistaken for a worker in the mines. Its due to their shape shifting abilities that the Seriyu tolerate and respect the Pooka.
There has been recent news of a special family of Seriyu who, through ties with other shape-changing races, have gained that ability themselves. These creatures are rare, and often considered to be social rejects. The sources given state that these creatures, when in their "Human-like" forms, look like post-adolescent males or females with scales thin enough to look like hair on their slim heads, and tiny scales over every outer inch of their bodies. The family is called the Ishu-Kaiden, supposedly due to the surnames of the initial shape changer to merge with the Seriyu.
LOCATION: Amongst a small cluster of asteroids near the grey's warships.
ENEMIES: Everyone else
The Shechinoi were the most recently discovered group of aliens, mostly due to the difficulty in detecting them. These long, black, slug like creatures emit a special hormone into the air to make whatever species of alien around think that they're seeing something that is not there at the moment. They also use this hormone to tap into the minds of their subjects and decide, selectively if they wish, what form to appear as. The illusion would smell, feel, sound, and look like what the Shechinoi would want. The only race to be immune to this is the Seriyu, and that is because of their 'enlightened' senses, and their total lack of nostrils.
An advantage to the strange hallucinogen (that they are able to contain within themselves), is the complete and total confusion of the senses (with the exception of the Seriyu). They can speak in gibberish (a nickname for their home language), and still come out completely clear in Human, Seriyu, Pooka, or Grey.
These aliens are one of the two incapable of gaining the Reivioux gene, and they are currently allied with the Greys to figure out a way to gain it. There have not been as many abductions made by the Shechinoi, but having the self-dubbed 'illusionists' inside Human and other ships has a tendency to make the public uncomfortable, hence the Seriyu's assistance in guarding the ships.
As far as many know, the Shechinoi don't have a specific form of Government. There has been the occasional newsflash of a king of sorts being attacked and the miscellaneous banner protesting humans, but other than that, the only ones who know what is going on are the Shechinoi themselves, but even THAT is debatable, some researchers say.
ENEMIES: Everyone else
The Shechinoi were the most recently discovered group of aliens, mostly due to the difficulty in detecting them. These long, black, slug like creatures emit a special hormone into the air to make whatever species of alien around think that they're seeing something that is not there at the moment. They also use this hormone to tap into the minds of their subjects and decide, selectively if they wish, what form to appear as. The illusion would smell, feel, sound, and look like what the Shechinoi would want. The only race to be immune to this is the Seriyu, and that is because of their 'enlightened' senses, and their total lack of nostrils.
An advantage to the strange hallucinogen (that they are able to contain within themselves), is the complete and total confusion of the senses (with the exception of the Seriyu). They can speak in gibberish (a nickname for their home language), and still come out completely clear in Human, Seriyu, Pooka, or Grey.
These aliens are one of the two incapable of gaining the Reivioux gene, and they are currently allied with the Greys to figure out a way to gain it. There have not been as many abductions made by the Shechinoi, but having the self-dubbed 'illusionists' inside Human and other ships has a tendency to make the public uncomfortable, hence the Seriyu's assistance in guarding the ships.
As far as many know, the Shechinoi don't have a specific form of Government. There has been the occasional newsflash of a king of sorts being attacked and the miscellaneous banner protesting humans, but other than that, the only ones who know what is going on are the Shechinoi themselves, but even THAT is debatable, some researchers say.
Last edited by Selena on Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Location: The Maijbu system, halfway between the earth ships and the Seriyu Home world.
Allies: Slight preference for the human side. Mostly neutral.
Language: The Pooka, being the shape-shifting creatures they are, are able to speak Draconian, Human, and various other languages. They don't appear to have a language of their own, they simply use the languages of their allies.
The Pooka aren't made of skin and bone, though many humans believe they might have originally. Instead they're made of a strange organic substance that allows them to change into whichever form they prefer. There is an amount of a cartilage-like substance holding them up, but what actually moves them is mostly unknown both to them and the humans. Not like the Pooka really care though.
Intimacy is practically unknown in these worlds, due to the lack of.. certain aspects. If they wish to reproduce, then they do it asexually, splitting in half and having more split off from there. There are some odd relationships in these worlds, though they are saved primarily for royalty, or those who have an excess of time, credits, and security. Researchers have been trying to figure out the subject of "mating" for the Pooka. Though they have yet to figure (or witness) this act done, most believe that they can simply detach a part of themselves and, somehow, create a new being out of their own genetic makeup... whatever make up there might be.
The Pooka life is far different from the "Stuck up" Seriyu. Life is more or less chaos, with the occasional squabble between tribes. There are few serious battles with the Pooka, with most of them just being stuck up and trying to stand out and blend in the same time. Somehow it seems to work for them.
At the first glance, most humans would see the Pooka as rather unusual, similar-looking creatures. In their original form, they hold a humanoid appearance with completely white skin, gray eyes, straight lips, and the only distinguishing mark they have is a brand on their palm, stating which tribe they live in. Each tribe holds roughly 5000 Pooka, with families of several hundred.
Pooka weaponry is a marvel in itself. The ships start out as a giant lump of... "stuff". They pile together organic substances similar to what the Pooka are made of, which each of the families in the tribes shifting and controlling a part of the ship. The strongest family controls the helm while the others take care of engineering, steering, creating a metal-like armor on the ship, etc. The ships are equipped with standard ballistic weapons, and the occasional laser. Only a certain few families are able to play the weapons, though.
Needless to say, a grand bit of their knowledge is hidden to the other worlds, but a few things are known: They eat the bland creatures and plants in their worlds, and occasionally each other during challenges.
Allies: Slight preference for the human side. Mostly neutral.
Language: The Pooka, being the shape-shifting creatures they are, are able to speak Draconian, Human, and various other languages. They don't appear to have a language of their own, they simply use the languages of their allies.
The Pooka aren't made of skin and bone, though many humans believe they might have originally. Instead they're made of a strange organic substance that allows them to change into whichever form they prefer. There is an amount of a cartilage-like substance holding them up, but what actually moves them is mostly unknown both to them and the humans. Not like the Pooka really care though.
Intimacy is practically unknown in these worlds, due to the lack of.. certain aspects. If they wish to reproduce, then they do it asexually, splitting in half and having more split off from there. There are some odd relationships in these worlds, though they are saved primarily for royalty, or those who have an excess of time, credits, and security. Researchers have been trying to figure out the subject of "mating" for the Pooka. Though they have yet to figure (or witness) this act done, most believe that they can simply detach a part of themselves and, somehow, create a new being out of their own genetic makeup... whatever make up there might be.
The Pooka life is far different from the "Stuck up" Seriyu. Life is more or less chaos, with the occasional squabble between tribes. There are few serious battles with the Pooka, with most of them just being stuck up and trying to stand out and blend in the same time. Somehow it seems to work for them.
At the first glance, most humans would see the Pooka as rather unusual, similar-looking creatures. In their original form, they hold a humanoid appearance with completely white skin, gray eyes, straight lips, and the only distinguishing mark they have is a brand on their palm, stating which tribe they live in. Each tribe holds roughly 5000 Pooka, with families of several hundred.
Pooka weaponry is a marvel in itself. The ships start out as a giant lump of... "stuff". They pile together organic substances similar to what the Pooka are made of, which each of the families in the tribes shifting and controlling a part of the ship. The strongest family controls the helm while the others take care of engineering, steering, creating a metal-like armor on the ship, etc. The ships are equipped with standard ballistic weapons, and the occasional laser. Only a certain few families are able to play the weapons, though.
Needless to say, a grand bit of their knowledge is hidden to the other worlds, but a few things are known: They eat the bland creatures and plants in their worlds, and occasionally each other during challenges.
The Greys
Allies: Supposedly the Shechinoi
When one would ask a human in the 1970's what they thought an Alien looked like, they'd instinctively think of a small grey creature with huge heads and glowing black eyes. Later on in the 20th century, shows like Stargate SG-1, the feature film ALIENS, and Star Trek made up other species of aliens, most of which looking similar. Almost all of them were humanoid and had deformities, as seen in the eyes of the humans.
Little did these pathetic creatures know that they were right the first time.
Since the beginning of the humans role on the planet (formerly known as) Earth, the Greys have been there. Watching, studying, even occasionally probing them. Well, not so much the last one. After the twenty-something subject they decided that they'd figured out all they could and blended into the background. These creatures actually LIVED in saucer-shaped ships with a much, much larger one floating somewhere out in space. They have no actual home planet that anyone knows of.
The Reivioux gene caused these aliens to come back out of their shadows. They were one of the more unfortunate species in the fact that, to the best of their knowledge, they were incapable of developing the gene.
Little, outside of their own ships, is known about these creatures. Their machines are plasma and energy based, with shields made to defend themselves against (only) beams of the same material. After two battles or so, the humans figured out this weakness, leaving the Greys to come up with a new form of machinery which has yet to be discovered.
When one would ask a human in the 1970's what they thought an Alien looked like, they'd instinctively think of a small grey creature with huge heads and glowing black eyes. Later on in the 20th century, shows like Stargate SG-1, the feature film ALIENS, and Star Trek made up other species of aliens, most of which looking similar. Almost all of them were humanoid and had deformities, as seen in the eyes of the humans.
Little did these pathetic creatures know that they were right the first time.
Since the beginning of the humans role on the planet (formerly known as) Earth, the Greys have been there. Watching, studying, even occasionally probing them. Well, not so much the last one. After the twenty-something subject they decided that they'd figured out all they could and blended into the background. These creatures actually LIVED in saucer-shaped ships with a much, much larger one floating somewhere out in space. They have no actual home planet that anyone knows of.
The Reivioux gene caused these aliens to come back out of their shadows. They were one of the more unfortunate species in the fact that, to the best of their knowledge, they were incapable of developing the gene.
Little, outside of their own ships, is known about these creatures. Their machines are plasma and energy based, with shields made to defend themselves against (only) beams of the same material. After two battles or so, the humans figured out this weakness, leaving the Greys to come up with a new form of machinery which has yet to be discovered.
Re: Species list! (Compiled)
There is so much, that I haven't read it all, but paragraph 2 on humans is incomplete, and you repeated the modesty as a dying art (which is scary) and the lack of accents too many times. Please re-edit.
Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.
-Joseph Campbell
-Joseph Campbell
Re: Species list! (Compiled)
Thanks for pointing that out, I must have copied that one too many times. ^^;
At least there's less typos.. >.>;
At least there's less typos.. >.>;